4. Item Sets


innoxia, bicobus


If you are unsure of anything, please join the Lilith’s Throne Discord and ask for help! You can see another annotated example in the file res/setBonuses/innoxia/enforcer.xml.

4.2. name

The name of this set bonus.

<name><![CDATA[Socks of Power]]></name>

4.3. statusEffect

The id of the status effect which should be applied when a character is under the effect of this set bonus.


4.4. numberRequiredForCompleteSet

The number of items of clothing or weapons which a character needs to equip to gain this set bonus.


4.5. blockedSlotsCountingTowardsFullSet

If any of the slots defined in this section are blocked (due to the character’s body not supporting clothing in these slots), then the slot is counted as being equipped with an item of clothing from this set. For example, as the leg slot is defined in this section, a character with a taur’s body (which is therefore blocked from wearing leg clothing) would have the numberRequiredForCompleteSet reduced by 1. It’s usually best to fill out this section with each slot that can be fitted with an item of this set’s clothing. As this set only has 1 item in it, this section does nothing (as an item set can only ever be activated with at least 1 item of clothing/weapon equipped), and is just for demonstrative purposes.

Possible slots are found here: src/com/lilithsthrone/game/inventory/InventorySlot.java
