2.1. Item Clothing


innoxia, bicobus

Clothing and anything that is wearable, even inside.

You can find working examples of clothing in the res/mods/innoxia/items/clothing folder.

2.1.1. General Information

Any clothing item whose rarity is set to LEGENDARY or above will not show up in the game, as no shopkeepers have been being defined as selling items of that quality. You can spawn it from the debug menu if you wish. The debug menu is accessed by typing buggy at any point in the game. It is best to enter the debug menu when not in the middle of combat, sex, or movement-locked dialogue, as it will break you out of it.

2.1.2. coreAttributes authorTag

Author attribution, if you want one.

See also

author tags

<authorTag><![CDATA[A tag discreetly sewn into the T-shirt's inner lining informs you that it was made by 'Innoxia'.]]></authorTag> value

Please refer to the general information about item value.


I’ve defined this as 60, which is about the price for a basic pair of socks or something similar.

<value>60</value> determiner

The determiner which is displayed before this item’s name. While usually “a” or “an”, for things like socks or gloves, you’ll want to use “a pair of”. I use the CDATA tag for all text values, as it allows html markup to be embedded without causing issues.


I’ve defined this as “a pair of”, so in-game, this item will be referred to as “a pair of socks”.

<determiner><![CDATA[a pair of]]></determiner> name

The singular name of this clothing.


I’ve named this “template sock”, as the singular for “template socks” is of course “sock”…

<name appendColourName="true"><![CDATA[template sock]]></name>

You can leave out the appendColourName attribute, but if you never want this clothing to be described by its colour, then set it as false. (i.e. If set to false, this clothing would always be called “template socks” instead of, for example, “white template socks”.) namePlural

The plural form of the name. The attribute pluralByDefault determines whether this item is naturally referred to as a plural (use true for things like socks or gloves).


I’ve named the plural as “template socks”, and defined pluralByDefault as true, so that this item will be referred to by this plural name in all but extremely exceptional circumstances.

<namePlural pluralByDefault="true"><![CDATA[template socks]]></namePlural> description

This is the description which is shown in tooltips and on the item’s inspection page.


The description for ordinary, “boring” items of clothing might be a little dry, but as they won’t be read by the player much, it doesn’t really matter.

<description><![CDATA[An ordinary pair of socks, intended to be worn on the feet in order to absorb perspiration and provide both insulation and comfort. A silly person may choose to wear them on their hands...]]></description> physicalResistance

The default physical resistance for this piece of clothing. Usually use 0, but if it’s armour, then values of 1 up to 5 would be fitting (any more than that might be very OP). Physical resistance is a very powerful stat, so please keep within the range of 0-5. For all normal clothing, the value should be 0. This accepts decimal values, so for things like leather jackets (which aren’t really armour, but are still protective), you can use 0.5 or so.


Left as 0, as it’s nomral, unarmoured clothing.

<physicalResistance>0</physicalResistance> femininity

Use FEMININE for if this clothing is intended for feminine characters, MASCULINE for masculine, and ANDROGYNOUS if it’s able to be worn by anyone without penalties.


Normal socks could be worn by both males and females without issue, so I set this to ANDROGYNOUS.

<femininity>ANDROGYNOUS</femininity> equipSlots

The slots that this clothing is able to be fit into. The game only supports up to 4 unique slots, so if you define more than 4, the rest of them won’t show up in-game. These definitions preserve ordering, so use the top one for the most common slot to be fitted into. This is especially important for NPCs, as they will use the top slot for determining which slot this clothing should fit into.

Possible slots are found here: src/com/lilithsthrone/game/inventory/InventorySlot.java


I defined SOCK as the top slot, as this is the intended slot for socks. As I also want the player to be able to equip socks onto their hands, I defined HAND as a secondary slot.

</equipSlots> rarity

The rarity of this item. Anything less than EPIC may end up being modified in the code. Possible rarities are found here: src/com/lilithsthrone/game/inventory/Rarity.java


Socks are most definitely COMMON, but I’ve defined these as LEGENDARY so as to prevent them from naturally spawning in the game.

<rarity>LEGENDARY</rarity> clothingSet

The set that this clothing belongs to.

See also

Item Sets

Navigate to res/setBonuses to see existing sets.

  • Example: Just use the name of the set.

<clothingSet>innoxia_template</clothingSet> imageName

The file paths for this clothing’s image. Please refer to the documentation about images.


I’ve defined this as “sock.svg”, which should be placed in the same folder location alongside this xml file.

<imageName>socks.svg</imageName> imageEquippedName

The file paths for this clothing’s image while equipped. The “slot” attribute determines the InventorySlot in which the defined file will be used.


When equipped to the SOCK slot, the sock will be displayed using the sock.svg file. When equipped to the “HAND” slot, it will instead use the sock_hand.svg file. Again, this file must be placed in the same folder location alongside this xml file.

<imageEquippedName slot="SOCK">socks.svg</imageEquippedName>
<imageEquippedName slot="HAND">socks_hand.svg</imageEquippedName> stickers

Stickers are additional svgs which can be overlaid on top of (or beneath the) base svg image. Definitions are all within the stickers element. category

All stickers defined within this category are mutually exclusive with one another, but not with stickers defined in other category elements. The id should be unique to each category, and can be defined as whatever you want, but for formatting purposes, it would be preferable for it to just contain basic alpha-numerical values and underscores. The priority variable determines the position of this category in UI rendering order (in the inventory’s clothing dye screen), with lower values being rendered nearer to the top of the category list.

  • id (string)

  • priority (integer)

<category id="top_txt" priority="1">
  <!-- ... -->
</category> categoryName

This is used in-game as the title for this sticker category in the sticker application menu UI. As such, please try to make this human-readable.

<categoryName><![CDATA[Top Text]]></categoryName> sticker

A sticker element. Each sticker are exclusive with other stickers present in the same category. Stickers of different cagetories can be combined.

The id element should be unique to stickers within this category element. Define this variable to none (lit.) to give to the player the ability to leave the selection blank.

The priority variable determines the position of this sticker in UI rendering order (in the inventory’s clothing dye screen), with lower values being rendered nearer to the left of the buttons list. A priority of 0 will set the sticker at the top of the list, regardless of it’s position in your xml file.

defaultSticker defines whether this sticker is applied to this clothing item by default when spawned in.

zLayer defines the rendering z-layer priority. These zLayer values are compared against one another when rendering, with higher values being drawn on top of stickers with lower values. The base svg has a zLayer value of 0, meaning that negative values will be drawn beneath the base svg. Defining zLayer as 0 is not advised (although it is handled by always being drawn on top of the base layer).

colourDisabled and colourSelected are optional variables which you can use to define the colour of the text within the button used to select this sticker in the clothing dye UI. You can leave these blank or delete them entirely to use default button colours. The default values, if you were to define them using these variables, would look like: colourDisabled="TEXT_GREY" colourSelected="GENERIC_GOOD"


If you do not define an imageName sub-element, or if you leave it blank, the default selected colour will be TEXT_GREY instead of GENERIC_GOOD.

Available colours can be found here: src/com/lilithsthrone/utils/colours/PresetColour.java

You can also define custom colours instead of a PresetColour id, in which case you must use a standard RGB hex code as the value.

e.g. colourDisabled="777777" colourSelected="57DB7E"

  • id (string)

  • priority (integer)

  • defaultSticker (boolean)

  • zlayer (integer)

  • colourDisabled (constant)

  • colourSelected (constant)

<sticker id="rental" priority="1" defaultSticker="true" zLayer="1" colourDisabled="" colourSelected="">
  <!-- ... -->
<sticker id="dommy" priority="2" defaultSticker="false" zLayer="1">
  <!-- ... -->
</sticker> stickerName

This is used in-game as the title for this sticker’s button in the sticker application menu UI. As such, please try to make this human-readable.

<stickerName><![CDATA[Rental]]></stickerName> namePrefix

Define a namePrefix to add a prefix to the base clothing’s name when this sticker is applied.

The priority variable defines the order in which multiple sticker namePrefix are displayed. A lower value means they will be displayed first. This can be left undefined.

  • priority (integer)

<namePrefix priority="1"><![CDATA[Rental]]></namePrefix> namePostfix

Exactly the same as namePrefix, but the text is appended after the base clothing name. descriptionmodification

You can set whether this sticker should define a new description for the clothing.

If fullReplacement is true, then the clothing’s description is completely replaced with descriptionModification while this sticker is applied. If fullReplacement is false, then it is appended to the base clothing description (so long as another sticker has not applied a fullReplacement).

The priority element defines in what order the description appending is performed, or, if fullReplacement is true for multiple active stickers, which sticker’s description has priority.

  • fullReplacement (boolean)

  • priority (integer)

<descriptionModification fullReplacement="false" priority="1"><![CDATA[<i>Rental </i>]]></descriptionModification> imageName

The path name for this sticker, which should be in the same folder location as this xml file.

The slot variable can be omitted, in which case the default slot for the clothing item is used.

If the clothing can be equipped into multiple slots, you don’t need to define an imageName element for every slot, but if you don’t, the game will end up using any of your defined imageName at random (which is not a problem if you only define one imageName that’s suitable for any of the clothing’s base imageName).

The zLayer attribute defines the rendering order for this svg image. You do not need to define this attribute, as if it is missing, this svg will use the sticker’s zLayer attribute which you’ve already defined up above in the root sticker element. I have included it here just as an example.


You can add as many imageName elements as you like.

  • zLayer (interger)

  • slot (constant)

<imageName zLayer="1" slot="TORSO_UNDER">text_rental.svg</imageName> itemTagsAdded

If this sticker should add any ItemTags to the clothing, then you can define them in here. Use <tag> elements within the itemTagsAdded element (e.g. <tag>SOLD_BY_NYAN</tag>) using ItemTag names as defined here: src/com/lilithsthrone/game/inventory/ItemTag.java

</itemTagsAdded> itemTagsRemoved

If this sticker should remove any ItemTags to the clothing, then you can define them in here. Use <tag> elements in the same manner as itemTagsAdded.


If you define either a single sticker or multiple stickers to have conflicting tag behaviour – i.e. both adding and removing identical tags –, then behaviour is undefined and you will end up with the ItemTag applied or removed at random. unavailabilityText

Sticker are available to be used by the player by default, but if you want there to be requirements for using this sticker, then define this element as a CDATA text element, with any non-whitespace text returned signalling to the game that this sticker is unavailable. The returned text will be displayed to the player in the button’s tooltip, so it should describe why this sticker is unavailable.

You can define a showDisabledButton attribute, which by default is set to true, and which defines whether or not this sticker’s selection button is shown to the player when disabled.

Please note that no npc tag can be used, as this clothing might not belong to anyone.

  • showDisabledButton (boolean)

An example where the player could only use the sticker while being feminine would be:

<unavailabilityText showDisabledButton="true"><![CDATA[
    Only feminine characters can apply this sticker!

And for this example, the disabled button is not shown to the player, so there’s no need for an elaborate description, as the player will never see it:

<unavailabilityText showDisabledButton="false"><![CDATA[
    #IF(pc.getSubspeciesOverrideRace()!=RACE_DEMON && !pc.isFeminine())
]]></unavailabilityText> availabilityText

The counterpart to unavailabilityText, this text is shown when unavailabilityText is returning an empty String, and therefore this sticker is available. Use a CDATA text element.

Counterpart examples to the two above:

    You have unlocked this sticker due to being feminine!

            You have unlocked this sticker due to being a demon!
            You have unlocked this sticker due to being feminine!
]]></availabilityText> echantmentLimit

How many enchantments can be fit into this item. It’s typically best to let the game handle the default number of enchantments, which typically results in 100.


I have not defined this, as I’ll let the game keep the 100 enchantments default value.

Using default value


Using custom value

<enchantmentLimit>100</enchantmentLimit> effects

The default effects that this clothing spawns in with. To know what to put in here, it would probably be easiest to enchant clothing in your game, save the game, then copy over that clothing’s ’effects’ in your save file.


The first defined effect will give +3 to physical damage, while the second will give the wearer the masturbation fetish while worn.

    <effect itemEffectType="CLOTHING" limit="0" potency="MAJOR_BOOST" primaryModifier="CLOTHING_ATTRIBUTE" secondaryModifier="DAMAGE_PHYSICAL" timer="0"/>
    <effect itemEffectType="CLOTHING" limit="0" potency="MAJOR_BOOST" primaryModifier="TF_MOD_FETISH_BEHAVIOUR" secondaryModifier="TF_MOD_FETISH_MASTURBATION" timer="0"/>
</effects> blockedPartsList

This section determines how the clothing interacts with other clothing and the wearer’s body.


I’ve defined this section as being the one to be used when equipped to the “SOCK” slot.

<blockedPartsList slot="SOCK">

This is another section to determines how the clothing interacts with other clothing and the wearer’s body.


I’ve defined this section as being the one to be used when equipped to the HAND slot.

<blockedPartsList slot="HAND">
</blockedPartsList> blockedParts

You can add as many blockedParts elements as you like, but they should each have a different displacementType, and there should be at least one, of type REMOVE_OR_EQUIP. displacementType

If this clothing is displaced in the following way (in this case, by being removed), then the blockedBodyParts, clothingAccessBlocked, and concealedSlots will all be revealed. If multiple blockedParts block or conceal the same slot, only one blockedParts needs to be displaced to reveal it. (e.g. If a pair of trousers has UNZIPS and PULLS_DOWN displacementTypes, and both of these contain the concealedSlots slot PENIS, then the penis will be revealed if either UNZIPS or PULLS_DOWN is activated.)

A full list of displacementTypes can be found here: src/com/lilithsthrone/game/inventory/clothing/DisplacementType.java clothingAccessRequired

The access required to perform this displacementType.

clothingAccess values can be found here: src/com/lilithsthrone/game/inventory/clothing/ClothingAccess.java blockedBodyParts

The body parts that are blocked by this displacementType.

bodyPart values can be found here: src/com/lilithsthrone/game/character/body/CoverableArea.java clothingAccessBlocked

The access that this displacementType blocks. Again, clothingAccess values can be found here: src/com/lilithsthrone/game/inventory/clothing/ClothingAccess.java

This element must contain a list of tag clothingAccess for values inserted here.

<clothingAccess>MOUTH</clothingAccess> concealedSlots

The slots that this displacementType conceals. Possible slots are found here: src/com/lilithsthrone/game/inventory/InventorySlot.java

You can also use a preset list by adding an attribute named “values” to this element (an example – “CS Example” – is in the blockedParts section below this one). The preset lists that you can use are found here: src/com/lilithsthrone/game/inventory/clothing/PresetConcealmentLists.java

Use the tag slot for values inserted here.

<slot>HEAD</slot> incompatibleSlots

Inventory slots that are incompatible with this clothing. The game’s swimsuit makes use of this, and, while fitting into the CHEST slot, also blocks GROIN and STOMACH. Possible slots are found here: src/com/lilithsthrone/game/inventory/InventorySlot.java


You need to define an incompatibleSlots element for each slot that the clothing can be equipped into, so here, I’ve defined an empty one for SOCK, and another empty one for HAND.

Example 2

If you want to add slots, then use the element like so (which would block the FINGER slot when equipped into the WRIST slot):

<incompatibleSlots slot="WRIST">
<incompatibleSlots slot="SOCK"/>
<incompatibleSlots slot="HAND"/> colours

Please consult the relevant documentation.

Your clothing can be coloured any way you like, but if you’d like the player to be able to dye your clothing, you can specify available colours here. primaryColours, secondaryColours, and tertiaryColours can all spawn in as a default colour, while their ’Dye’ counterparts are only available if the player chooses to dye the clothing in that colour. The game detects specific colour values, and recolours them to the value chosen by the player. These values are as follows:

Colour types can be found in the files present in the following folder: src/com/lilithsthrone/utils/colours


please use the Colour values that start with CLOTHING_.

<primaryColours recolouringAllowed="true" values="JUST_WHITE"/>
<primaryColoursDye values="ALL"/>
<secondaryColours values="JUST_BLACK"/>
<secondaryColoursDye values="ALL"/>
<tertiaryColours values="JUST_WHITE"/>
    <!-- ... -->
</tertiaryColoursDye> customColours

You can define any number of custom colours to replace the shades you’ve coloured your svg with.

    <customColour copyColourIndex="0" c0="#6C5353" c1="#916F6F" c2="#AC9393" c3="#C8B7B7" c4="#E3DBDB">
                    <colour>CLOTHING_GREY</colour> <!-- The colours which this clothing should spawn in with. -->
            <extraColours values="ALL"/> <!-- The colours which this clothing can be dyed to. -->
</customColours> patterns

This section details how to define patterns. If your svg file does not have a patternLayer defined, you can safely delete this whole section:


lists the patterns that this clothing can spawn with.

  • patternChance

    is the chance that this clothing will spawn with a pattern. Values are from 0 to 1, and should end with an “f”. i.e. 0.5f is a 50% chance, 0.75f is 75%, 0.1275 is 12.75%, etc.

  • colourNameDerivedFromPattern

    sets whether the pattern’s primary colour should be used for the clothing’s name, instead of the “colour” value. i.e. If set to true, then a green+black tiger-striped item of clothing would be called “green”, even if the base colour was something else.


Pattern values can be found as svg file names in the folder res/patterns

<defaultPatterns patternChance="0" colourNameDerivedFromPattern="false">
</defaultPatterns> patternPrimaryColours, patternSecondaryColours, and patternTertiaryColours

Colours work the same as explained in the colours section.

<patternSecondaryColours values="ALL"/>
<patternTertiaryColours/> customPatternColours

Custom pattern colours can be defined just like the customColours up above.

<customPatternColours/> itemTags

These tags determine where in the world your clothing can be found, and what special attributes your clothing should have. Possible tags are defined in src/com/lilithsthrone/game/inventory/ItemTag.java

itemTags without a slot defined will have these tags added to every equippable slot. Should only be used for generic tags like those related to which vendors sell it.

itemTags with a slot defined will have these tags applied ONLY when the clothing is equipped into that slot. In this example, equipping the socks onto your hands hinders arm movement. This is not entirely logical, and I added this just for demonstration purposes.

<itemTags slot="HAND">

2.1.3. sexAttributesSelf

See the res/clothing/innoxia/buttPlugs/butt_plug.xml file for a working example of this element.

These are the sex attributes applicable to the wearer (i.e. when inserted in the wearer’s orifices or when the wearer is penetrating this clothing type. Mainly used for insertable dildos.)

</sexAttributesSelf> penetration


value in cm


0-6 corresponding to PenetrationGirth Enum values


For adding modifiers, add mod tags containing PenetrationModifier Enum values orifice

Changed in version 0.3.7: orifice sex toy support is not fully implemented into the game!


value in cm


value in cm, corresponding to the diameter of the orifice


0-7 corresponding to OrificeElasticity Enum values


0-7 corresponding to OrificePlasticity Enum values


0-7 corresponding to Wetness Enum values


list of mod tags, each containing OrificeModifier Enum values

2.1.4. sexAttributesOther

These are the sex attributes applicable to someone who is interacting with the wearer (i.e. the penetration/orifice which is available for people other than the wearer. Mainly used for strap-on dildos.)

See also

Consult the file res/clothing/norin/strapless_dildo/strapless_dildo.xml for a working example of the following excerpt.

For an explanation of the effects of the different sub elements, please refer to sexattributesself.


2.1.5. replacementText

The following sections are for defining the descriptions of displacing or replacing your clothing. The attribute type defines which DisplacementType your descriptions are applied to. For standard equipping and unequipping, use REMOVE_OR_EQUIP.


This is the equip text for when socks are equipped to the SOCK slot:

<replacementText slot="SOCK" type="REMOVE_OR_EQUIP">
                <![CDATA[[npc.Name] [npc.verb(pull)] the socks on to cover [npc.her] [npc.feet].]]>
                <![CDATA[[npc.Name] [npc.verb(pull)] the socks onto [npc2.namePos] [npc2.feet].]]>
                <![CDATA[[npc.Name] roughly [npc.verb(pull)] the socks onto [npc2.namePos] [npc2.feet].]]>

This is the equip text for when socks are equipped to the HAND slot:

<replacementText slot="HAND" type="REMOVE_OR_EQUIP">
                <![CDATA[[npc.Name] [npc.verb(pull)] the socks on to cover [npc.her] [npc.hands].]]>
                <![CDATA[[npc.Name] [npc.verb(pull)] the socks onto [npc2.namePos] [npc2.hands].]]>
                <![CDATA[[npc.Name] roughly [npc.verb(pull)] the socks onto [npc2.namePos] [npc2.hands].]]>

2.1.6. displacementText

This section is used for removal and displacement.


This is the unequip text for when socks are removed from the SOCK slot:

<displacementText slot="SOCK" type="REMOVE_OR_EQUIP">
                <![CDATA[[npc.Name] [npc.verb(pull)] off [npc.her] socks.]]>
                <![CDATA[[npc.Name] [npc.verb(pull)] off [npc2.namePos] socks.]]>
                <![CDATA[[npc.Name] roughly [npc.verb(pull)] off [npc2.namePos] socks.]]>

This is the unequip text for when socks are removed from the HAND slot:

<displacementText slot="HAND" type="REMOVE_OR_EQUIP">
                <![CDATA[[npc.Name] [npc.verb(pull)] the socks from off of [npc.her] [npc.hands].]]>
                <![CDATA[[npc.Name] [npc.verb(pull)] the socks from off of [npc2.namePos] [npc2.hands].]]>
                <![CDATA[[npc.Name] roughly [npc.verb(pull)] the socks from off of [npc2.namePos] [npc2.hands].]]>