2.2. Miscanelaous Items


innoxia, bicobus


Item modding is not fully complete yet, as you cannot define any enchantment effects for items. I will expand this at some point in the future, but for now, this modding framework should be enough for most uses.

An annotated example lives at res/items/innoxia/pills/fertility.xml.

2.2.1. Boolean Values

Boolean values can be used throughought the elements of this document. Those values are to be understood as:

  • true

  • false

2.2.2. coreAttributes authorTag

How attribution to the mod author (you!) should be displayed in the item’s tooltip. If left blank or not included, a default attribution based on folder name will be used.

This tag is optionnal.

<authorTag><![CDATA[A small name stamped on one side of the pill reads 'Inno-Industries'.]]></authorTag> value

How much this item is worth.

<value>20</value> determiner

What’s appended before the item’s name in an instance of “Innoxia has X Breeder Pill”, where X is the determiner. This will usually be either “a” or “an”, but for other items may be different.

An example might be: “Innoxia is holding X scissors”, where X (the determiner) would now need to be “a pair of”.

<determiner><![CDATA[a]]></determiner> name

The singular name of this item.

<name><![CDATA[breeder pill]**></name> namePlural

The plural name of this item.

Node Variables:
pluralByDefault Type: boolean

The variable pluralByDefault defines whether the item will always be refered by it’s plural name (e.g. “a pair of pants”).

<namePlural pluralByDefault="false"><![CDATA[breeder pills]]></namePlural> description

The description/lore of this item.

<description><![CDATA[A small, light-purple pill, individually packaged in a foil and plastic wrapper. While the text printed on the foil identifies this pill as an 'Orally-Administered Reproduction Enhancer', it's colloquially known as a 'breeder pill', and temporarily boosts both fertility and virility when ingested.]]></description> useDescriptor

How the item is used. This should be a single verb, and is used as the title of the action when using it.

<useDescriptor>swallow</useDescriptor> sexUse

Define whether the item can be used during sex, like a dildo or a pill.

This element accepts Boolean Values.

<sexUse>true</sexUse> combatUseAllies

Define whether the item can be used, either on yourself or your allies, during combat.

This element accepts Boolean Values.

<combatUseAllies>true</combatUseAllies> combatUseEnemies

Define whether the item can be used on your opponents during combat.

This element accepts Boolean Values.

<combatUseEnemies>false</combatUseEnemies> consumedOnUse

Define whether the item should be consumed on use. (Editor Note: is it a consumable?)

This element accepts Boolean Values.

<consumedOnUse>true</consumedOnUse> rarity

The rarity of this item. Values can be found here: src/com/lilithsthrone/game/inventory/Rarity.java

<rarity>COMMON</rarity> imageName

The file name of this item’s image when in the character’s inventory. The only supported file type is .svg. I use the free program “Inkscape” to make .svg images for the game.

<imageName>pill.svg</imageName> colours

Your item can be coloured any way you like, but if you’d like the game to automatically re-colour your item, you can specify available colours here.

See also


Each defaults to CLOTHING_BLACK.

<colourTertiary/> effectTooltipLines

You can use this section to describe any extra features of this item. These effects are shown in the tooltip when the player hovers over the item icon, so try and keep them short (as they should fit on one line). It should probably only be used to describe what happens in the applyEffects element. No characters are passed in as parsing arguments, so you should NOT use any character-specific parsing elements (such as [npc.name]).

    <line><![CDATA[[#ATTRIBUTE_FERTILITY.getFormattedValue(50)] for 24 hours]]></line>
    <line><![CDATA[[#ATTRIBUTE_VIRILITY.getFormattedValue(50)] for 24 hours]]></line>
    <line><![CDATA[[style.boldBad(Removes status effect:)]]]></line>
</effectTooltipLines> applyEffects

This is what is called and parsed every time this item is used on someone. The character being subjected to the effects is given the tag npc, while the character using the item on the target is npc2. If self-using the item, npc and npc2 will be the same character. All of the returned text is displayed to the player.

    [##npc.addStatusEffect(SE_VIXENS_VIRILITY, 60*24*60)]
    <p style='margin-bottom:0; padding-bottom:0;'>
            The small pill easily slides down [npc.her] throat, and within moments [npc.she] [npc.verb(feel)]
                     a soothing, warm glow spreading out from [npc.her] ovaries into [npc.her] lower torso. [npc.Her] mind fogs over with an overwhelming desire to feel potent sperm spurting deep into [npc.her]
                     and before [npc.she] can stop it, a horny whimper escapes from between [npc.her] [npc.lips].
                             At the same time, [npc.her] manhood begins to throb with need, and [npc.she] [npc.verb(feel)]
                     an overpowering desire to sink deep into a fertile female's cunt and fill her with [npc.cum+].
            #IF(!npc.hasPenisIgnoreDildo() && !npc.hasVagina())
                    a desperate heat in [npc.her] genderless mound.
    <p style='text-align:center; margin-top:0; padding-top:0;'>
            [style.colourPinkLight([npc.Name] [npc.is] now experiencing <i>'[#SE_VIXENS_VIRILITY.getName(npc)]'</i> for the next 24 hours!)]
]]></applyEffects> itemTags

Special item tags that apply to this item. Values can be found here: src/com/lilithsthrone/game/inventory/ItemTag.java


2.2.3. useDescription

Descriptions that are displayed when using this item.


is used when a character uses this item on themselves


is used when the item is applied on someone else.

You must define at least one of both of these elements, and if more than one of each is defined, then the use description will be chosen randomly from all those you’ve defined.

    [npc.Name] [npc.verb(pop)] a breeder pill out of its little foil wrapper, before quickly placing it in [npc.her] mouth and swallowing it down.
    [npc.Name] [npc.verb(pop)] a breeder pill out of its little foil wrapper, before bringing it up to [npc2.namePos] [npc2.lips], forcing it into [npc2.her] mouth, and making sure that [npc2.she] [npc2.verb(swallow)] it down.